Gutenberg Built in Core Blocks.
The Gutenberg built in core blocks are very basic and as of today – using the beta plugin they still don’t have – you guessed it – padding and margins.
I try and use them first but they don’t have any of the fancy stuff that other blocs offer
This page is built with just core blocks.
The cover image block is by far and away the best block I have found and used for the hero banner at the top of the pages.
In changing this column to a “group” I have discovered there is some limited options for padding. Ive set the background colour to grey so you can see the padding.
A good start
Lacks padding and margins on blocks
Sometimes not all options show in the inspector – especially with typography
And more that other blocks they seem to “break” more easily giving me an error message.
I can’t find any gutter setting for the columns
Don’t drag and drop into place very easily, despite my discoveries – see below.
In the process of building this page and limiting myself to just the Gutenberg blocks I have also discovered a better way to drag and drop. I was finding drag and drop very difficult particularly with getting blocks into blocks ie a paragraph block into a column block. I did discover that if you one block into the column it is then easy to drag another block into the column underneath or above the first block. But he’s also really difficult dragging them around a page. However I have just discovered the edit select button in the editor.
Changing to “Select” makes it much easier to drag a block – in fact there is even a little drag icon that appears!!

All in all, I think the Gutenberg built in blocks are a great start and has certainly made WordPress accessible to me. In fact Im really enjoying working with them and finding out as I use them the more they can do.
Thanks WP Peeps!!